Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1
The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso
US English
PageMaker 5.0
PageMaker 5.0 PPC
PM5.0P TV RSRC.rsrc
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Text File
128 lines
%C%%BeginResource: procset ALERROR_PS 1.0 1
%%Copyright: (C) Copyright 1992 Aldus Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
%%Version: 1.0 1
/setpacking where{pop currentpacking true setpacking}if userdict/alerrdict 20
dict put alerrdict begin/isWinPS dup where{/isWinPS get}{false}ifelse def
/errMacvec 256 array def errMacvec dup dup 0/Times-Roman findfont/Encoding get
0 128 getinterval putinterval 39/quotesingle put 96/grave put/Adieresis/Aring
/tilde/macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron errMacvec
128 128 getinterval astore pop/errWinvec 256 array def errWinvec dup dup 0
/Times-Roman findfont/Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval 39
/quotesingle put 96/grave put/grave/acute/circumflex/tilde/macron/breve
/dotaccent/dieresis/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron/dotlessi errWinvec
0 14 getinterval astore pop/bullet/bullet/bullet/quotesinglbase/florin
errWinvec 127 129 getinterval astore pop/errReEncode{findfont exch isWinPS{pop
dup/Encoding get dup 161 get exch 162 get/cent eq exch/exclamdown eq and}if{
dup length 1 add dict/tempDict exch def{1 index/FID ne 2 index/UniqueID ne and
{tempDict 3 1 roll put}{pop pop}ifelse}forall tempDict/Encoding isWinPS{
errWinvec}{errMacvec}ifelse put tempDict definefont}{exch pop}ifelse}bind def
/errCourierBold/|______Courier-Bold true/Courier-Bold errReEncode def
/errCourier/|______Courier true/Courier errReEncode def end errordict
/oldhandler errordict/handleerror get def/cv{20 string cvs}def/handleerror{
$error begin/tx_out{dup type/stringtype ne{=string cvs}if show}def newerror{
/newerror false store grestoreall initgraphics alerrdict begin 72 720 moveto
468 720 lineto 468 638 lineto 72 638 lineto closepath gsave 1 setgray fill
grestore 0 setgray .5 setlinewidth stroke 74 718 moveto 466 718 lineto 466 640
lineto 74 640 lineto closepath stroke errCourierBold 10 scalefont setfont 119
694 moveto errorname tx_out 350 694 moveto/command load tx_out errCourier 10
scalefont setfont 79 706 moveto(An error occurred while printing this page.)
tx_out 79 694 moveto(Error: )tx_out 238 694 moveto(Offending Command: )tx_out
79 682 moveto(Suggestions:)tx_out(dictfull)errorname eq{79 670 moveto(Restart\
printer and try again, or try printing to a)tx_out 79 658 moveto(PostScript \
Level II printer if available.)tx_out}if(dictstackoverflow)errorname eq{79 670
moveto(Too many "Begin" operators in the PostScript file.)tx_out 79 658 moveto
(Try proof print or moving some of the elements off the page.)tx_out}if(dicts\
tackunderflow)errorname eq{79 670 moveto(Too many "End" operators in the Post\
Script file.)tx_out 79 658 moveto(Try proof print or moving some of the eleme\
nts off the page.)tx_out}if(execstackoverflow)errorname eq{79 670 moveto(Too \
many "exec" commands are nested in the PostScript file.)tx_out 79 658 moveto(\
Try proof print or moving some of the elements off the page.)tx_out}if(interr\
upt)errorname eq{79 670 moveto(Document print job has been stopped or cancell\
ed. Try)tx_out 79 658 moveto(restarting the printer and sending the document \
again.)tx_out}if(invalidfont)errorname eq(invalidaccess)errorname eq or{79 670
moveto(Potential corrupted font. Reinstall printer fonts used in)tx_out 79 658
moveto(the document and send file to printer again. Might be a bad)tx_out 79
646 moveto(Type 3 font.)tx_out}if(ioerror)errorname eq(findfont)/command load
cv eq and{79 670 moveto(Possible disk error while accessing printer's hard di\
sk to)tx_out 79 658 moveto(locate a font. Try doing a disk restore.)tx_out}{(\
ioerror)errorname eq{79 670 moveto(A communications problem has occurred. Che\
ck printer and)tx_out 79 658 moveto(network connections and terminations and \
try again.)tx_out}if}ifelse(limitcheck)errorname eq(curveto)/command load cv
eq(lineto)/command load cv eq(arc)/command load cv eq(arcn)/command load cv eq
(arct)/command load cv eq(arcto)/command load cv eq(clip)/command load cv eq(\
eoclip)/command load cv eq or or or or or or or and{79 670 moveto(Remove some\
points from paths in EPS files containing many)tx_out 79 658 moveto(points. \
Set flatness in EPS graphic files. Send the file)tx_out 79 646 moveto(to a Po\
stScript Level II printer if available.)tx_out}{(limitcheck)errorname eq(save\
)/command load cv eq and{79 670 moveto(File may contain EPS graphic with too \
many grouped elements.)tx_out 79 658 moveto(Ungroup elements or use fewer lev\
els of grouping.)tx_out}{(limitcheck)errorname eq(setpageparams)/command load
cv eq{79 670 moveto(Requested page size takes too much memory for printer to)
tx_out 79 658 moveto(print. Use a smaller paper size, decrease the output res\
olution)tx_out 79 646 moveto(or use tiling to print the page.)tx_out}{(limitc\
heck)errorname eq{79 670 moveto(Not enough memory to print the page. Reduce c\
omplexity of file,)tx_out 79 658 moveto(or try printing to a PostScript Level\
II printer if available.)tx_out}if}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse(nocurrentpoint)
errorname eq{79 670 moveto(Try proof print or moving some elements off the pa\
ge.)tx_out 79 658 moveto(If document contains FreeHand EPS, look for and dele\
te)tx_out 79 646 moveto(small nonvisible path in original FreeHand document.)
tx_out}if(rangecheck)errorname eq(setpageparams)/command load cv eq and{79 670
moveto(Selected paper size is too large for printer. Select a smaller)tx_out
79 658 moveto(paper size and print again.)tx_out}{(rangecheck)errorname eq{79
670 moveto(Value in PostScript file is out of range. Restart your)tx_out 79
658 moveto(printer and send document again. Try proof print or)tx_out 79 646
moveto(moving some elements off the page.)tx_out}if}ifelse(syntaxerror)
errorname eq(nostringval)/command load cv eq and{79 670 moveto(Check name of \
publication for parentheses, backslashes, colons,)tx_out 79 658 moveto(bracke\
ts, or braces. Rename document and print again.)tx_out 79 646 moveto(Try proo\
f print or moving some elements off the page.)tx_out}{(syntaxerror)errorname
eq{79 670 moveto(PostScript interpreter did not understand the command. Try)
tx_out 79 658 moveto(proof print or moving some of the non-printing elements)
tx_out 79 646 moveto(off the page.)tx_out}if}ifelse(timeout)errorname eq{79
670 moveto(PageMaker lost contact with the printer.)tx_out 79 658 moveto(Try \
printing fewer pages at a time, or sending less image)tx_out 79 646 moveto(da\
ta. See "Graphics" and "Send data" in Print Options dialog.)tx_out}if(VMerror\
)errorname eq(stackoverflow)errorname eq or{79 670 moveto(Make sure proper PP\
D is chosen in the Print dialog, or if)tx_out 79 658 moveto(not available, tr\
y the General.PPD. Page or graphic too)tx_out 79 646 moveto(complicated. Simp\
lify page or try proof print.)tx_out}if(configurationerror)errorname eq(unmat\
chedmark)errorname eq(unregistered)errorname eq(invalidfileaccess)errorname eq
(invalidexit)errorname eq(invalidrestore)errorname eq(stackunderflow)errorname
eq(typecheck)errorname eq(undefined)errorname eq(undefinedfilename)errorname
eq(undefinedresult)errorname eq(undefinedresource)errorname eq or or or or or
or or or or or or{79 670 moveto(Restart your printer and send document again.\
Try proof)tx_out 79 658 moveto(print or moving some of the non-printing elem\
ents off)tx_out 79 646 moveto(the page.)tx_out}if showpage end/newerror true
store/oldhandler load exec}if end}bind put userdict/__$jk 0 put/setpacking
where{pop setpacking}if